Friday, September 11, 2009

From the "Problems With Reality" Department

Our conservative friends at think Obama's the best thing since diced bread:
Mr. President, you are the best thing that has happened to Republicans since President Carter caused the Reagan Revolution.
<*psssssst! hush!*> Don't anyone tell them differently.

More from this scintillating analysis:
It has caused Democrat Representatives to be the subject of yelling matches at Town Halls throughout the nation.
Yes, indeed. Rudeness (and screaming) has overcome dialogue. A brand new day for politics ... and polity. Throw in a few assault rifles, and you're set to go.


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, indeed. Rudeness (and screaming) has overcome dialogue. A brand new day for politics ... and polity."

You're kidding of course, right?

I assume you felt the same about all of the screaming liberal idiots during the Bush years? Yea, right, I know, that was different.

You may want to look up hypocrite in the dictionary, tool.

At 7:02 AM, Blogger Arne Langsetmo said...

What "screaming liberal idiots"?

The ones that said there weren't any WoMD in Iraq?

Maybe the ones that wore T-shirts and got arrested by the Dubya machine? Guess they'd have fared better had they just been packing heat within a half mile of Dubya, dontcha think?

Say, where's bin Laden?



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