Friday, February 18, 2005

Friday fishblogging

Up close and personal. And I'm sexier
that "Jeff Gannon" even when we're both
naked ... and bald.

(for reference, rockfish [probable kelp rockfish]
taken at Monterey, CA May 1, 2004, Nikon N80/105mm
macro/Ikelite with Ikelite DS-125 strobe).

Friday, February 11, 2005

Friday seasnakeblogging

Who's deadlier. This cuddly critter ... or the folks in the BushCo maladministration?

(for reference, business end of banded sea snake,
Fiji, 2004/11/04, Nikon N80/105mm macro/Ikelite
housing with 2 Ikelite DS-125 strobes; click to enlarge).

Friday, February 04, 2005

Friday fishblogging

"Tell me when it's safe to come out ... is Bush
gone yet?"

For kicks, see if you can spot the eyes (you can
click on the image to enlarge, as you can for all
the pictures I've posted).

(for reference, scorpionfish taken at Cabo San
Lucas, July 6, 2004, Nikon N80/28-80mm/Ikelite
with Ikelite DS-125 strobe).